
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hurried mom's cheesemaking...

Okay, so you have a crying baby clinging to your leg, another child needs help defeating Bowser for the 10th time in his Super Mario Brother have milk, and want to make cheese...what are your options!

Well, there are many actually!  Easy enough to make while bouncing the baby in one arm, and stirring your curds in another!

But first you need some basic supplies....
>Yogurt or buttermilk cultures, either a frozen icecube, or prepackaged single use packets are great in a pinch.
>Thick bottom pot,
>A thermos, or warm place,
So now, what to make...Yogurt, Chevre, Fromage Blanc, Paneer, more buttermilk, basically those soft cheeses, great for fresh eating, low muss, types. 

For recipes, I like to refer to one of my cheesemaking books, each one has it's strong points, from Ricki's cheesemaking book, 200 Easy Homemade cheese recipes, to Mary J. Toth's book, each is great in it's own right.  For online recipes, I recommend
Happy cheesemaking!

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