
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mud, rain, and more mud....


Kids playing in the dry areas

It's been a mild winter!   I'm glad the kidding happened in the coldest part of the season.  Although inconvenient, the bugs, worms and what have you are at their lowest levels, ensuring a fast growth rate with the kids.  The kids just tend to be hardier overall as well.

The garden is just covered in weeds, and the duck is just having a party with all the puddles everywhere.
I for one, I think my kids will agree with me though, that we are ready to have some drying sunshine.  This was a day for DH to put in some more raised beds in the garden though.  Next weekend will be another barn scraping day, with all this rain, the sheep will go out rain or shine, but the goats, are my barn babies, and I have black gold to scrap out for the garden!
Stay dry everyone!

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