
Monday, January 16, 2012

My feathered kids....

It's that time of year again, where I move the chicks from the greenhouse to the coop where the big hens play.  It's always a stressful time of year...will they jump into the pond? will they stay out late at night chasing moths? will a hawk or possum pick them up?  or try to return to the greenhouse?  Well, they are too big for that greenhouse, so off they go, to forage and play.  The first night not too bad, they huddle on the floor rather than roost, but I lost have the chicks during the night, it was pretty stormy.  I blame the lead rooster, a wussy one has taken his place, such is nature. 
Everynight, I go to the coop collect the chicks from the ground and put them up on the roost with the big hens.  DH said it's so much easier when the hens raise them, but no, it's worse with the hens sometimes, because I have to help the chicks down from wherever the nest is, usually on a bookshelf or trough, every morning, and back up to the nest at night to sleep under Momma.  The mother hen just clucks anxiously at the chicks on the ground to fly up to the safety of the roost, but being chicks, lack feathers or skill. :rolling eyes:  Still, nothing beats the flavor of free range eggs, and the yolks have such a bold yellow color, I swear it's high in omega 3s or something cool.
In the picture, is Mr. Roostery, such named by my son, he's sweet, and a wuss, I don't see him fighting off hawks or possums, but he'll do just fine. :-)

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